The post Fresh Garlic Extract Yielding Allicin Shown to Quell Coronavirus first appeared on Enzyme activated garlic pill.
]]>Researchers say this discovery can be applied to human coronavirus infections, particularly because it is inexpensive and available. The lack of a fool-proof vaccine provoked researchers to search for an alternative.
The research is published online in the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, Volume 6, Issue No. 4, 2022. ####
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The post Fresh Garlic Extract Yielding Allicin Shown to Quell Coronavirus first appeared on Enzyme activated garlic pill.
]]>The post You Can Take Up To 27 Garlic Pills Before You Get Enough Allicin To Equal What Is Provided In A Fresh-Crushed Garlic Clove first appeared on Enzyme activated garlic pill.
]]>By virtue of its alkaline buffering which protects the capsule contents from degradation by stomach acid, one capsule of GARLINEX provides 2400-3800 micrograms (2.4 to 3.8 milligrams, the same amount provided by a fresh-crushed garlic clove) of released ALLICIN as proven by human breath analysis, the only efficient way of measuring allicin in garlic pills.
While the potential health benefits of ALLICIN are many including production of transient gases (nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide) to dilate (widen) arteries, prevention of blood platelet clumping that forms blood clots, destruction of pathogenic bacteria and viruses (even antibiotic-resistant bacteria), and favorable alteration of gut bacteria, newly reported health benefits include:
Sharper memory with advancing age as demonstrated in a study of laboratory mice. Learning and memory impairment was quelled in mice genetically bred to develop brain dysfunction when allicin was added to their diet. This may be important for your pet mice. J
Maintenance of the blood filtering capacity of the kidneys in a superior fashion to some drugs used for this same purpose.
Clearance of an undesirable blood protein (homocysteine) that can otherwise damage coronary arteries. Allicin also reduces total cholesterol and triglycerides. Generally, B vitamins (folic acid/folate and vitamin B12) have been the only active agents that reduce high homocysteine levels. Now add allicin to the list.
The post You Can Take Up To 27 Garlic Pills Before You Get Enough Allicin To Equal What Is Provided In A Fresh-Crushed Garlic Clove first appeared on Enzyme activated garlic pill.
]]>The post For The Want Of Garlic first appeared on Enzyme activated garlic pill.
When your eyes water from cutting an onion, when your tongue withdraws at the taste of cloves or nutmeg, when your nose is both repulsed and seduced by garlic odor, there is something very healthy going on. A confounding fact is that pungent molecules in spices and foods offer unrivaled health benefits. The most recently published science reports confirm this.
For example, the human body has a built-in antioxidant defense system. When exposed to mild biological threats, the human body activates endogenous (internal) enzymatic antioxidants. This was demonstrated in the laboratory where rats fed a high sugar (fructose) diet with some of the animals also given raw crushed garlic. The animals given the fructose alone developed enlarged hearts while heart weight in the garlic-supplemented animals was even less than healthy rodents.
“If you can smell garlic, everything is all right”.”
Author: J.G. Ballard
The garlic-fed animals had strikingly higher levels of protective internal antioxidants (catalase, glutathione, superoxide dismutase). [PLoS One May 5, 2022] This protective health benefit is triggered by garlic’s ability to transiently produce hydrogen sulfide gas (volcano gas) that in turn activates the Nrf2 gene transcription factor.
Presumably humans would obtain the same benefits by putting a clove of garlic in a food blender and rapidly consuming it without exposing it to heat, which would destroy its primary active ingredient allicin.
“There are many miracles in the world to be celebrated and, for me, garlic is the most deserving.”
Felice Leonardo (Leo) Buscaglia (1924-1998)
Garlic’s health benefits are so broad and profound they would exceed those of most modern medicines. If it weren’t for its strong odor and the uncomfortable stomach it produces, garlic would be grown in every backyard and not only ward off vampires, but also physicians.
Another example of garlic’s health benefits was demonstrated in a lab dish recently. Germ cells (these are cells that convert to produce sperm and eggs in males and females) were taken from roundworms. When these germ cells were exposed to low-dose paraquat, an herbicide, hydrogen sulfide gas was produced, much like garlic. This toxic gas (a few whiffs and you will die) activates the Nrf2 internal antioxidant switch to slow aging and extend life in lab animals. [Proceedings National Academy Science May 17, 2022]
Of course, we’re not going to intentionally expose ourselves to paraquat in our quest to live longer and healthier, but nature provides garlic cloves in just the right size to produce mild amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas when garlic cloves are crushed.
Sign on wall.
Whatever happens keep calm and use more garlic.
Historically, Roman soldiers in the time Julius Caesar planted shoots of garlic as they conquered foreign lands to use as their medicine, which centurions chewed as they entered battle. Maybe that is why baseball’s greatest hitter was quoted to say:
“I can’t get enough garlic.”
Dysentery from contaminated water remains a chief reason why modern armies can’t keep healthy troops in the battlefield. Maybe they should chew garlic.
“It is not really an exaggeration to say that
peace and happiness begin, geographically,
where garlic is used in cooking.”
X. Marcel Boulestin (1878-1943)
It will not come as a surprise to learn that garlic’s allicin is posed as a cure for influenza [Pharmacognosy Research April 2022] and is a remedy for a stubborn water-borne parasite that infects 12 million people worldwide and is not easily controlled by drugs due to treatment resistance and drug side effects that cause patients to halt their treatment. [PLoS One March 29, 2022]
Acid-forming bacteria are what erode dental enamel and cause caries (cavities). When garlic’s allicin was tested against an array of germs known to erode teeth, garlic killed all of them. [Journal Medicinal Food Nov 2022] Now to figure out how to brush your teeth with garlic powder without it touching your tongue!
Researchers even concede allicin from garlic “has a potential to ameliorate the decline of mental function and memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease.” A mild dose of allicin has been shown to inhibit an enzyme (by up to 56%) that erases memory chemicals from the brain. [Indian Journal Pharmacology July 2022]
Unexpectedly, garlic’s allicin, when dropped into a lab dish of bone-building cells (osteoblasts), reduces inflammation and cell death and inhibits oxidation to the point where is now considered a molecule that counters age-related bone loss (osteoporosis). [Experimental & Therapeutic Medicine June 2022]
“Without garlic I simply would not care to live.”
Louis Diat (1885-1958)
Allicin added to a lab dished with cells that line the inside of arteries, reduced damaging oxidation, rescued dying cells and slowed cell death. While oxidized LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins) increases cell death from 6.6% to 48.5%, whereas allicin-treated cells survived. [BMC Complementary Alternative Medicine May 20, 2022]
“Garlic soup saves lives.”
Provencal saying
Over two decades ago researchers in Norway, having heard of the legends about garlic warding off vampires, conducted a quasi-scientific experiment to see if garlic inhibited leeches from sucking blood. Researchers smeared one hand with garlic and observed whether leeches preferred the clean hand or garlic-smeared hand. The experiment backfired as leeches attached themselves much quicker to the garlic-smeared hand (14.9 seconds vs. 44.9 seconds). Maybe garlic actually attracts vampires? Or maybe there are just smart leeches. [Journal For The Norwegian Medical Assn. Dec 10, 1994]
The biggest test for any natural molecule is whether it can take on cancer. Kidney (renal cell) cancer frequently spreads and is therefore life threatening and has a high rate of recurrence. These malignant cells produce a substance (hypoxia inducing factor-1 or HIF-1) that triggers development of new blood vessels to deliver oxygen and thereby feeds the cancer. Allicin inhibits HIF-1 and stops tumor cell growth cold. [International Journal Clinical Experimental Medicine Nov 2022]
Angel of death ain’t kissing me! I’m full of garlic.
Mel Brooks
As you can tell by the research cited herein, allicin is the key molecule in garlic. [Biochmica Biophysica Acta Feb 2, 1998] Most garlic pills fail to deliver real allicin, despite label claims to the contrary. And we didn’t even get to talking about garlic and antibiotic resistance, a problem that keeps growing. It’s wise to use garlic when taking antibiotic drugs to improve vulnerability of bacteria to therapy. [Jundishapur Journal Microbiology May 31, 2022]
And to think, most of the research cited herein is only recently published. With reams of conclusive data, it is rare that a physician prescribes garlic despite it being a bona fide cure all.
If you can break off a clove of garlic from its bulb and crush or macerate it thoroughly to produce allicin, garlic’s primary ingredient, and not choke on it as you swallow it, God bless you!
If you want to obtain a garlic pill that strongly inhibits garlic breath while assuredly delivering allicin, Garlinex® is for you. Don’t fall for the sales pitch of all the products that pretend to contain allicin. Allicin is a transient molecule that only lasts a while after an enzyme (alliinase) mixes with a sulfur compound (alliin) in crushed garlic to produce allicin. This author’s experience is two months taking garlic every day will aid with weight loss and balance of gut bacteria.
©2016 Bill Sardi
The post For The Want Of Garlic first appeared on Enzyme activated garlic pill.
]]>The post GARLINEX™ LETTER Addendum: first appeared on Enzyme activated garlic pill.
There are now three genetic longevity pathways being touted. Initially a Harvard professor said longevity is achieved by activation of the Sirtuin1 survival gene. Later another investigator said it is achieved by inhibiting the gene target of Rapamycin with an FDA-approved drug (Sirolimus) generally prescribed to suppress immune system rejection of implanted organs. A third age-reversing gene target is the aforementioned Nrf2 that is targeted by a number of natural molecules and even an FDA-approved drug. Nrf2 is a genetic switch that activates internal antioxidant enzymes (primarily glutathione, catalase, superoxide dismutase).
When I first issued a report that Nrf2 is probably the greatest life force ever discovered, my small audience of readers wondered if I had slipped off the end of a scientific limb. Even pharmaceutical companies now express interest in developing Nrf2 drugs.
For those longevity seekers who are not quite ready to add an advanced garlic pill to their daily health regimens until they learn more, it needs to be pointed out that most of the beneficial effects of a calorie restricted diet emanated from activation of the Nrf2 antioxidant control factor.
Deprenyl, an FDA-approved drug for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, initially panned as a brain “picker-upper” for senior adults (is metabolized to amphetamine and is a brain stimulant), was found to activate Nrf2 in 2006. There are reports of unusual longevity among Deprenyl users. However, Deprenyl doesn’t activate glutathione, a key antioxidant, as does resveratrol and garlic.
Deprenyl is available with doctor’s prescription and costs about $60 a month. Doctors are not likely to prescribe it for anti-aging purposes.
A main point to grasp is that Deprenyl, rapamycin, resveratrol and allicin in garlic are perceived as mild biological threats in low dose. This is what triggers the body to produce via the Nrf2 gene transcription factor, activation of protective internal antioxidants (glutathione, catalase, heme oxygenase and superoxide dismutase).
Another interesting fact is that an Nrf2 activating dietary supplement is already in widespread use. It is a combination of five herbals and is well documented in the literature. It is sold via a multi-level network and costs $40-50 for a month’s supply. Sales of that product in 2022 exceeded $40 million. That is greater than all 432 brands of resveratrol pills combined.
Pharmaceutical Nrf2 Activators |
Rapymycin (Sirolimus) Deprenyl (Eldepryl) |
Branded Nrf2 Activators: Dietary Supplements |
Protandim (5 herbs) |
Unbranded Natural Ingredients That Activate Nrf2 |
Resveratrol, ginger, garlic, quercetin, many others |
Maybe some longevity seekers will wait for that Harvard professor to announce he has begun taking a garlic pill. Ironically, the Harvard professor who introduced the theory that the red wine molecule resveratrol molecularly mimics a life-prolonging calorie restricted diet first proposed that resveratrol works by virtue of a hormesis effect. Hormesis is defined as a low-dose biological stressor that increases internal body defenses. Nrf2 is an example of hormesis. The Harvard professor’s gene target, the Sirtuin1 survival gene, is known to activate Nrf2 protective antioxidant mechanisms. Calorie restriction also activates Nrf2. All genetic roads to longevity pass through Nrf2.
When the public begins to focus on Nrf2 activators it will find an abundance of them in nature. This will undoubtedly open “Pandora’s Nrf2 box.” Which one, or two, or three Nrf2 activators to use and at what dose?
It is already a foregone conclusion that allicin derived from enzyme activated garlic is the most potent Nrf2 activator at the lowest dose. This is because allicin is very, very pungent. It is the pungency of allicin that activates Nrf2. And it is clearly evidence that allicin does this in microgram doses (2400-2800 micrograms/2-4 milligrams per crushed garlic clove). Garlic is also the least expensive herbal powder.
Resveratrol | Garlic | |
Molecular size | 228 Daltons | 162 Daltons |
Pro-oxidant or Antioxidant | Promotes oxidation at high dose; antioxidant at low dose | Allicin: strong oxidant; must be used in small doses as provided in a clove of garlic |
Dosage range | 100-350 mg Source: J. Nutritional Biochemistry June 2009 |
2-3 mg (2000-3000 mcg) |
Thins the blood (inhibits platelet clumping) | X Source: Internat’l Journal Molecular Medicine 2002 |
X Source: J. Agric. Food Chem. Nov 2000 Attributed to adenosine in garlic rather than allicin Source: Agents Actions March 1990 Not cooked garlic Source: Prosta. Leuko Essential Fatty Acids Jan 1999 |
Protects heart (preconditions) heart prior to heart attack | X Source: Canadian J. Physiology Pharmacology Nov. 2022 Superior protection achieved with Longevinex Source: PLos ONE Dec. 2022 |
X Source: Circulation Research Aug. 2009 Freshly crushed garlic (yielding allicin) is superior Source: J. Agric. Food Chem. Aug 2009 |
Dilates (widens) blood vessels/mechanism | X Nitric oxide |
X Nitric oxide, Hydrogen sulfide |
Lowers cholesterol | Modest cholesterol reduction. Source: Nutrition Research 2022 Can be used synergistically with statin cholesterol-lowering drugs. Source: J. Nutritional Biochemistry Aug 2022 |
Only when allicin is produced Source: Planta Medica 2001 |
Strong antibacterial action | X Some antibacterial properties Source: FEMS Micriobiology Letters |
X Allicin (not garlic) exhibits activity against bacteria, viruses, fungus (Candida albicans) and protozoa Source: Microbes Infection 1999 |
Cancer cell killing | X Only at high dose Source: Molecular Nutrition Food Research Oct 2022 |
X Source: Nutrition & Cancer 2000 |
Controls copper | X Source: Biochemical Pharmacology May 1997 |
X Source: Planta Medica Aug 2006 |
Inhibits growth H pylori | X Source: Biol. Pharm. Bulletin Nov 2009 |
X Source: Acta Medica 2001 |
Controls genes via histone bodies (histone deactylase inhibition) | X Source: Molecular Cell Endocrinology Feb. 2009 |
X Source: Anticancer Agents Med. Chemistry March 2022 |
Crushing a fresh garlic clove may appear to be a more economical and readily available way to produce allicin, but the pungency of chewed and swallowed whole cloves produces considerable distress in the esophagus. Furthermore, a bulb of garlic runs around $3.25/12-16 cloves, which comes to 20-30 cents per clove, about the cost of a Garlinex capsule.
While standard garlic powder does protect the heart from damage prior to a heart attack (what is called a preconditioning effect), the protective effect is far superior when fresh crushed cloves, yielding allicin and in particular hydrogen sulfide gas, are used.
Answer: Generally, the medical literature advises caution when consuming garlic products or fresh garlic when taking prescription blood thinners. However, in one study no bleeding episodes were recorded among patients taking warfarin and fresh garlic or garlic supplements.
In another study, garlic pills did not produce bleeding episodes among genetically vulnerable patients taking warfarin.
However, it is possible that some patients taking blood thinning drugs may also take resveratrol, garlic, ginkgo biloba, all which are natural blood thinners. So there is caution in saying garlic will not cause bleeding because of use of multiple drugs and herbal products. – Bill Sardi, November 2022
The post GARLINEX™ LETTER Addendum: first appeared on Enzyme activated garlic pill.